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  1. 1 point
    Uwow.biz 論壇規章 任何一位已註冊本論壇的會員們都必須閱讀以下規章內容,並且遵守本論壇相關規定。 請記住,即便您未閱讀或甚至不清楚本規章內容,並不代表您能夠任意地違反本論壇相關規定。只要您註冊為本論壇之會員,即有責任必須遵守以下論壇規定。 第一章『註冊規定』 第 1條 本論壇進行註冊與變更資料只需要非常簡易的程序即可完成註冊。然而,當您創建一個帳號後,您必須遵守與同意本論壇的相關規定,包含對於違反規則的處罰條款。 第 2條 當您透過信箱認證之後才能算是真正完成註冊程序。 第 3條 本論壇嚴格禁止創建多個論壇帳號,除非有經過申請的特殊用途,例如:被准許為某一伺服器或專案項目的主要管理人員。 第 4條 若您忘記了自己的密碼,請勿創建新帳號,本論壇具備密碼變更與找回功能。 第 5條 若本論壇發現某位會員持有多個帳號,論壇管理員可被允許刪除其多個帳號,並限制其會員之論壇權限。 第 6條 以下為被禁止創建的帳號規則:     (1)擁有與論壇的主要管理人員相似的暱稱。     (2)暱稱含有不雅字詞,具有針對某人或某一特定團體族群之侮辱性字詞。     (3)暱稱含有納粹主義、法西斯主義、具強烈性質的種族主義、毒品、宗教、性少數民族……等之類的宣傳字詞以及壓迫性字詞。     (4)暱稱包含網站或電子郵件地址,未經uwow.biz管理部門的許可的其他伺服器名稱。 第二章『發布貼文、創建主題、狀態或其它內容的規則』 第 7條 本論壇對於任何發布文章的成員都會進行職位檢查,避免出現有惡意的商業廣告行為(只適用於擁有少於5個主題發表的新用戶) 第 8條 本論壇對於任何在論壇上發表之言論與內容概不負責,亦不代表任何立場。 第 9條 本論壇無法保證您不會發現任何可能冒犯您的道德倫理/宗教信仰/種族歧視的言論。 第10條 本論壇會依照論壇規定對任何違反論壇規定的會員進行懲罰,防止有更多破壞規定的案例。 第11條 本論壇禁止宣傳其它非本伺服器的遊戲伺服器,張貼外部連結並且藉由不當方式躲避管理員的稽查。 第12條 本論壇禁止直接或間接張貼其他私人魔獸世界伺服器的連結。 第13條 本論壇嚴格禁止發表具煽動民族、宗教以及意識形態衝突之言論。 第14條 本論壇歡迎積極友善的玩家主動向其他玩家詢問交流,只要不違反論壇規定以及部分論壇版塊額外增設的特殊規定。 第三章『違反規則分類以及懲罰內容』 第15條 本論壇具備一項違規點數管理系統,凡是違反規定的玩家都會得到一些警告點數,系統會根據玩家得到的警告點數作出相應的懲罰。但是警告點數並非永久存在,其具有一定時間效力才會消除警告點數。但是如果獲得以下警告點數則會擁有相應的懲罰:     (1)1-4點 - 3天內禁止張貼文章以及創建主題     (2)5-9點 - 7天內禁止張貼文章以及創建主題     (3)10-19點 - 14天內禁止張貼文章以及創建主題     (4)20點或以上 - 常駐帳戶將得到永久禁止 第16條 以下為違反規則分類以及懲罰內容說明: (1) 無意義貼文 文章內容相當的簡短或是文章內容過多,但是卻有許多大量無意義的資訊並且會造成論壇文章混亂者會被認為是無意義貼文。 如果版上已有類似或相同問題的文章、一次張貼數個相同文章一樣會被視為無意義貼文。同樣適用於只是為了想引起注意,但毫無意義的貼文。 懲罰內容:1點警告點數 (2) 禁止謾罵 通常此類型指兩人或多人在網際網路上公開發表具敵意的互動行為,並涉及使用褻瀆對方、個人侮辱的行為,並且藉此開始公開討論。通常此種行為會被認為是釣魚文,但更多時 候,這種行為會被視為某人是為了正在對某人感到憤怒而發表的文章。 懲罰內容:1點警告點數 (3) 非討論範圍主題 某些版塊會設置特定的討論範圍,但如果發表了一篇非討論範圍的主題,不符合論壇或該分類版塊主題的文章,即算在此懲罰類型。 懲罰內容:1點警告點數 (4) 過度引用他人或其他文章 過多或無意義的不斷引用他人或其他文章。因為太多的引用,容易導致難以了解一個玩家想要表達的意思,而且也容易造成文章主題混亂。 懲罰內容:1點警告點數 (5) 禁止釣魚文和網路霸凌 嚴格禁止在網路上針對或引起特定人士之間的衝突,更嚴格禁止網路霸凌(故意侮辱某人或侮辱你正在與其互相討論的對象),通常以先發起衝突與故意挑釁的玩家會受到懲罰。 懲罰內容:1點警告點數 (5-1) 禁止髒話 禁止發表文章時含有任何一個公認為侮辱性字眼的髒話。 懲罰內容:1點警告點數 (6) 禁止侮辱論壇使用者 嚴格禁止在發表主要用來侮辱或挑釁論壇任何使用者的文章 懲罰內容:1點警告點數 (7) 禁止宣傳廣告或不知名的外部連結 嚴格禁止宣傳任何商業廣告以及發布不知名的外部連結。未經過管理員允許,發布不知名並且被管理員認定疑似有危害嫌移的外部連結,均受此懲罰。 同樣嚴格禁止以任何方式宣傳其他免費私服的廣告(無論直接還是間接) 懲罰內容:20點警告點數 (8) 禁止網路攻擊以及惡意破壞 禁止散播惡意軟體、程式;禁止討論並計畫任何網路攻擊行動;禁止威脅他人以及任何網站、伺服器;禁止散布未經證實的謠言;禁止散布錯誤的訊息導致群眾混亂;禁止發布並 傳播含有惡意軟體的程式;禁止完全刪除或破壞經由官方認證並已發布的文章。 懲罰內容:20點警告點數 (9) 禁止侮辱管理員 禁止任何侮辱、挑釁、激怒管理員,無論是直接或間接的方式。 懲罰內容:20點警告點數 (10) 禁止討論管理員的行為 禁止討論、批評管理員的任何行為(除非有開設獨立主題提供討論) 懲罰內容:20點警告點數 (11) 禁止侮辱伺服器 禁止侮辱伺服器,無論是直接或間接的方式。 懲罰內容:20點警告點數 (12) 禁止侮辱某人的親朋好友 禁止侮辱某人的父母、兄弟姊妹…等親朋好友,無論是直接或間接的方式。 任何能夠被認為具侮辱性或雙關語意(具負面意義)的言論都會被禁止,包括詛咒他人死亡、意圖恐嚇傷害他人……等言論。 懲罰內容:20點警告點數 (13) 禁止欺騙管理員 任何企圖隱瞞與向管理員提供虛假謠言、訊息以掩蓋自己、自己的朋友之違規行為者,均被禁止。 任何企圖向管理員提供虛假謠言,造成管理員誤判導致管理疏失的行為,亦受禁止。 懲罰內容:20點警告點數 (14) 禁止任何交易行為 嚴格禁止任何帳號交易、出售/購買/分享帳號之行為;禁止出售/購買以真實貨幣兌換遊戲內物品的行為;禁止提供與WoW無關的真實貨幣服務;禁止提供出售/購買任何遊戲幣 的行為。 懲罰內容:20點警告點數 (15) 禁止論壇漏洞濫用 世上沒有絕對完美的資訊系統,禁止玩家濫用論壇漏洞。 懲罰內容:20點警告點數 (16) 禁止侮辱有贊助遊戲的玩家 嚴格禁止以直接或間接方式侮辱、欺騙或挑釁贊助遊戲的玩家們。對於贊助制度而言,其本身為一種自由行為,他人所行使之權利不應該成為受他人指責或批評的對象。但同樣如 果本身為贊助遊戲的玩家,卻故意引發衝突,其亦受此規則處罰。 本項規則適用於:贊助與非贊助玩家之間彼此的批評與討論。 懲罰內容:20點警告點數 第17條 如果違反伺服器的遊戲規則,行政當局(即管理員)有權在論壇上對在遊戲中的違規行為施加懲罰。並且管理團隊有權添加、變更、刪除上述規則的任何段落而不需通知論壇使用者。 第18條 任何註冊會員必須同意並遵守上述規則。 如果您對這些規則不甚滿意或者限制您的行動與言論自由,強烈建議您離開本論壇,避免發生任何衝突。 您誠摯的uwow.biz管理團隊 敬上
  2. 1 point
    Uwow.biz forum rules It is obligatory for every user to be acquainted with these rules, follow them and monitor their changes. Keep in mind that if you don't know these rules it doesn't mean you are not responsible for breaking them. Part 1. Registration rules Registration process is a free will action and free of charge, however, while creating an account you agree with the rules below, including punishments for breaking them. Registration process is complete when you confirm it via your e-mail. It is forbidden to create several forum accounts except for cases, when it is approved by the project's Administration. If you forget your password, don't create a new account. The forum has a password recovery function. If it turns out that someone has several accounts, then the Administration have the permission to delete them and to restrict forum access for that user. It is forbidden to create accounts which: have similar nicknames to the project's Administration members; contain swear words, insults towards a person/a group of people; contain propaganda of nazism, fascism, drugs, religions, sexual minorities and other minorities (as well as their oppression), other propaganda banned by law. include website or e-mail addresses, other projects' names (without prior approval of the uwow.biz Administration). Part 2. Rules for making posts, creating topics, statuses and other contents Every new post is being checked before its publication. Then it is being premoderated (only for new users who have less than 5 approved posts). The Administration isn't responsible for the content that is being published on the forum. The Administration doesn't guarantee you that you won't find anything that could offend your moral/religious/racial feelings. The Administration prevents cases of breaking these rules by imposing penalties according to the rules. It is forbidden to advertise any other projects, post external links that are not hidden with the help of spoiler or off topic tags and are not approved by the Administration members (Devillish, Agis). It is forbidden to post direct or indirect links of similar projects (free private WoW servers). Active chatting is welcomed as long as it doesn't break the forum rules and rules of a specific forum section in particular. It is forbidden to post anything offensive, obscene, caddish, nationalistic or anything that violate moral and ethical standards (except the " " section). It is forbidden to incite national, religious, racial, ideological strife. Part 3. Violation types and punishments for them For each violation users get warning points. The forum has an accumulative penalty system. Every time when imposing penalties a forum moderator only chooses the reason. Depending on the number of warning points the forum system sets the punishment duration automatically: 1-4 points - 3 days ban from posting anything 5-9 points - 7 days ban from posting anything 10-19 points - 14 days ban from posting anything 20 points and more - permanent account ban And now let's proceed to the types of violations and numbers of warning points you get for each of them. 1. No spamming Very short forum posts or very long ones that contain worthless information and only clutter up the forum are considered to be spam. Creating identical topics or making several posts in a row can also be classified as spam. This also includes contentless posts in order to get attention. Punishment: 1 warning point 2. No flaming Flaming is a hostile interaction between persons over the internet, often involving the use of profanity, including personal insults the main goal of which is to start an argument. Sometimes it can be classified as trolling, but more often flaming is caused by a person being mad at someone. Punishment: 1 warning point 3. No off topic posts Something that is not within the bounds of a particular discussion. For example, a forum post that doesn't correspond to the main forum theme or a topic where the post was made. Punishment: 1 warning point 4. No overquoting Meaningless or multiple quotation. Too much quotes make it difficult to understand what a person is trying to say. Punishment: 1 warning point 5. No trolling or bullying Provoking conflicts between particular persons on the Internet. It's also forbidden to bully (intentionally humiliate or insult a person you are talking to) in any way. Punishment: 1 warning point 5.1. No profanity It's forbidden to make posts which include profanity. Punishment: 1 warning point 6. Do not insult forum users It's forbidden to make posts which include insults the main goal of which is to offend a forum user/a group of forum users. Punishment: 1 warning point 7. No advertising or posts that contain links It's forbidden to advertise any projects as well as posting external links. Even if the links are hidden with the help of spoiler or off topic tags the Administrators (Devillish, Agis) should approve such actions. Direct and indirect links of similar projects (free private WoW servers) are forbidden in any way. Punishment: 20 warning points 8. Do not sabotage It's forbidden to spread malware programs, discuss and plan possible cyberattacks, threaten a group of people or the whole project, spread bug information, make posts which contain information about malware spreading or deliberately delete/spoil trusted information (for example, for moderators). Punishment: 20 warning points 9. Do not insult the Administration members It's forbidden to insult, troll or discredit the Administration officials in a direct or indirect way. Punishment: 20 warning points 10. Do not discuss the Administration's actions It's forbidden to discuss, criticise the Administration's actions (except for topics dedicated to this theme). Punishment: 20 warning points 11. Do not insult the server It's forbidden to insult the server in a direct or indirect way. Punishment: 20 warning points 12. Do not insult someone's relatives It's forbidden to insult someone's relatives in a direct or indirect way. Any references to relatives that can be treated as an insult or have double meaning are forbidden. This also includes all the wishes of harm, death etc. Punishment: 20 warning points 13. Do not perjure or deceive the Administration members Any attempts to deceive or provide the Administration with deliberately false information in order to cover for one's violation or to cover one's friends are forbidden. Punishment: 20 warning points 14. No trading or selling It's forbidden to offer an account trade, try to sell/buy/share an account. It's forbidden to sell/buy in-game goods for real money. It's forbidden to offer services that are not related to WoW for real money. Punishment: 20 warning points 15. No forum bug abusing There is no such thing as a perfectly working system. It's forbidden to abuse forum bugs that give you an advantage over other forum users. Punishment: 20 warning points 16. Do not insult people who donate or say bad things about the donation system itself It's forbidden to insult, troll or provoke people who donate in a direct on indirect way. It's forbidden to say bad things about the donation system. Donating is a free will action and someone else's wallet shouldn't bother you. If someone who donates starts provoking a conflict then they will also be punished. Punishment: 20 warning points Warning! The Administration has all the rights to impose in-game penalties for violations on the forum if they break the game rules of the server. The Administration has all the rights to change these rules, add or remove any paragraph of any rule without informing forum users. Any registered user agrees to follow these rules and monitor their changes. If you are not happy with these rules or they limit your freedom of actions it's highly recommended to leave the forum and, if possible, don't come back in order not to start any conflicts. Sincerely, the Administration of uwow.biz project