親愛的玩家,您好: 當您因為下列問題而遭到鎖定帳號(ban)或者是禁言(mute): 對錯誤的對象進行懲罰; 受他人惡意誹謗,而遭受懲罰; 受他人陷害,而遭受懲罰; 管理員給予懲罰過度嚴重或超出管理員應能行使之權限; ⋯⋯類似上述情形時。 玩家可以在本篇主題之下回覆並要求撤銷或修改您的「鎖定帳號懲罰內容」。 如果您真的沒有違反論壇規則、討論版相關規定、遊戲規定⋯⋯等,您將能夠撤銷其懲罰。 但如果您確實有違反規定,但是因為遭受他人惡意誹謗與陷害者,您或許能夠獲得修改懲罰內容的機會。   在您發表申請之後,管理部門會在三天內進行審查。 請玩家確實提供懲罰資訊以及相關撤銷懲罰之證據,以方便管理部門進行審查。 撤銷鎖定帳號條件包含: 該懲罰本身所施予之對象錯誤; 無證據或無明確證據; 管理員超過權限進行執法; 執法過當; 因為假證據而受到懲罰; 受到偏見歧視對待。 我們會拒絕下列申請: 要求管理員給予道歉與承諾之申請; 給予管理員假證據之申請; 只是為了向管理部門開玩笑之申請。 表單格式: 受到懲罰的所有角色名稱 告訴我們您所受到的懲罰編號(您可以寫些什麼在聊天頻道,將會顯示其懲罰內容編號) 告訴我們您發生了什麼事情,並詳細說明您的問題 給我們截圖/影片證據,這是必要的。 Hello, dear players and forum visitors.
If you received a ban on an error / you were slandered / framed / the GM exceeded the framework, etc,  - make a request for a revision of your ban. If you really suffered for nothing, you will be assisted and remove the bun. Applications are considered by the administration within 3 days. Anban can be obtained if:
- The ban was issued by mistake.
- Bans are given unreasonably, or there is no screenshot of the bans.
- Curator or GM exceeded authority.
- They treated you prejudiced.
- You got ban with fake screens. Refuse here:
- to apologies and promises.
- on fake screenshots.
- those who came here bluntly. Application form:
1. Nicknames of all characters on the account, login of account, IP which is in ban.
2. Tell me how it was, if you are aware of the situation for which you have been banned.
3. Add screenshots / movie clips if it necessary.

If your messages are deleted and you understand that the moderator hides your complaint, because he isn`t right or he knows everything, but does what he wants, unsubscribe to the Complaints to the Administration.