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Posts posted by evilley

  1. The passage of Suramar

    To obtain Achievement http://ru.wowhead.com/achievement=11124 and that is, to complete the complete chain of Suramar, you need a little patience.

    Teleports on Suramar "Map"
    Teleport network

    There are only 3 flight points in Suramar, but there is a system of teleports for daily travel. In total there are 9 different teleports, some of which are activated with the help of http://ru.wowhead.com/currency=1155, and some - automatically, with the development of history. All teleporters work for free, all teleports are bilateral (Shal'Aran - area in Suramar, and in reverse order). Teleports work even in combat. Unlocking all 9 teleports opens the achievement of http://ru.wowhead.com/achievement=11125.



    To unlock the teleportation system, you need to finish the chain of tasks "The main teleporter Okulet".


    Teleporter Name - Requirement
    http://ru.wowhead.com/object=246713 (Shal'Aran) - http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=40956
    http://ru.wowhead.com/object=252817 - Activated for 10 ancient mana
    http://ru.wowhead.com/object=252816 - Activated for 10 ancient mana
    http://ru.wowhead.com/object=252815 - Activated for 10 ancient mana
    http://ru.wowhead.com/object=252814 - Activated for 10 ancient mana
    http://ru.wowhead.com/object=252107 - Activated for 10 ancient mana
    http://ru.wowhead.com/object=251047 - http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=42230
    http://ru.wowhead.com/object=253392 - http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=42487
    https://imgur.com/VR0AXsQ - http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=44084
    Additionally, you can buy a personal teleport to Shal'Aran with a cd at 20h - http://ru.wowhead.com/item=140324 at the http://ru.wowhead.com/npc=98548 in Shal'Aran with respect or higher reputation. There are 285 gold.



    Secondary storylines
    Execution of tasks from these storylines is required to unlock certain parts of Suramar, dungeons or individual local tasks. Related Achievement:
    http://ru.wowhead.com/achievement=11124 Please note that it is required to open flights in Legion 7.2.5
    Quests separately for chapters:
    Here we will look at all the tasks from the achievement of the


    1. An ancient gift (requires Maksarad and Shal'Aran's Meal). It begins with http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=40324 and ends on the http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=42230.
    2. Blood and wine (requires "Lunar twilight" and respect with the Deformed). Begins with the
    http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=42828 and the end on http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=44052
    3. The growing crisis (requires Political art and 7000 of the 12,000 reputation with the Suppressed). Begins with a http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=44152 and an end to the http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=43362
    4. The destroyer of the "destroyer of light" (requires Twilight). Begins with http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=40297 and ends on http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=40412
    5. Cleaning Tel'anor (requires Twilight). Begins with the http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=40266 and the end of http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=40321
    6. Jarl Jandwick (requires Twilight). Begins with http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=40907 and the http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=40336
    7. "Moonlight" (requires the Ancient Gift and 1750 of the 6000 reputation with the Deformed). Begins with http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=41877 and the end http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=42488
    8. Political art (requires Blood and wine and 8,000 of the 12,000 reputation with the Suppressed). Begins with the http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=43309 and the http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=43318
    9. Change of seasons (requires a growing crisis and 20,000 of 21,000 reputation with the Suppressed). Begins with the http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=43502 and the end http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=43569
    10. The Citadel of the Moonguard (requires Twilight). Begins with the http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=40883 and the end on http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=40972
    11. http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=41452 (requires Twilight). Begins with playful kittens and ends on http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=41494


    The sequence of quests in accordance with the "Official Server"

    1. Spoiler


      1. http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=39985
      2. http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=39986
      3. http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=39987
      4. http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=40008
      5. http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=40123
      6. http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=40009
      7. http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=42229
      8. http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=44672
      9. http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=40011
      10. http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=40747
      11. Безопасность сети
      12. Почти на месте
      13. Накормить голодающего
      14. По результатам разведки...
      15. Старый союзник
      16. Разрозненные воспоминания
      17. Сила камня
      18. Подопытный номер 16
      19. Наследие Кел'даната
      20. Сочувствующие среди шал'дорай
      21. Маски, за которыми мы скрываем лица
      22. Родная кровь
      23. Маскарад
      24. Первый контакт
      25. Подключение к силовым линиям
      26. Энергетическая сеть
      27. Питание Шал'Арана
      28. Чародейское единение
      29. Сцены из памяти
      30. Под покровом лунной тени
      31. Сломанные печати
      32. Битва в обители Лунной Тени
      33. В темные глубины
      34. Тайный город
      35. Бремя странника дола
      36. Сбор войск
      37. Оберегающие чары
      38. Шаловливые котята
      39. Потерявшиеся по дороге
      40. Не здесь, не сейчас, никогда
      41. Единственный возможный выбор
      42. Возвращение домой
      43. Вот такие пироги с котятами
      44. Красноног Древний
      45. Подготовка почвы для будущего
      46. Рога и клыки
      47. Последнее благословение
      48. Манагляд
      49. Естественные враги
      50. Спасение саблезубов
      51. Возвращение в приют Железной рощи
      52. Великий день
      53. Судьба Лунных стражей
      54. Эта битва – не для них
      55. Взять их в когти
      56. Пропасть между нами
      57. Минное поле
      58. Бесценные крупицы знаний
      59. Остановить охотников за заклинаниями
      60. Судьба Ткущей Звезды
      61. Тот, кто жаждал нашей погибели
      62. Чрезвычайный беспорядок
      63. Последний рубеж Лунных стражей
      64. Леди Лунарх
      65. http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=40746
      66. Щедрость и великодушие
      67. Гондольер
      68. Водные пути
      69. Особая доставка
      70. Смена караула
      71. Друзья в клетках
      72. Похищенная малышка
      73. Перераспределение
      74. Друзья извне
      75. Обитель Талисры
      76. Пропавший советник
      77. Древний рецепт
      78. Злые намерения
      79. Профессиональные инструменты
      80. Последняя глава
      81. Дань уважения
      82. Последнее желание
      83. Последний ингредиент
      84. Искупление Песни Пера
      85. Устранение препятствий
      86. Возвращение ярла
      87. Костер на берегу
      88. Братья по крови
      89. Укус Садж'тар
      90. Рыбацкий настой
      91. Разведка вод
      92. Последняя надежда Яндвика
      93. Ломаем большие пушки
      94. Против их воли
      95. Отлив для Повелительницы приливов
      96. Пожитки Талисры
      97. Мотыльки и пламя
      98. Семя надежды
      99. Проникновение на виноградники
      100. Плоды наших усилий
      101. Как это делается: чародейское вино
      102. Предельная концентрация
      103. По старинке
      104. Баланс в дар
      105. Уничтожение рун
      106. Коренной поворот
      107. Месть за Марго
      108. Поиски убийцы
      109. http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=43969
      110. Когда слова бессильны...
      111. Большой куш
      112. Защита активов
      113. Подай знак
      114. Пусть содрогнутся
      115. Лиана Отчаяние Тьмы
      116. Свежее мясо
      117. Полцарства за клинки
      118. Мрачнокрыл Пожиратель
      119. Участь хуже смерти
      120. Символы мощи
      121. Осколок Воргоса
      122. Осколок Коззака
      123. Азоран должен умереть
      124. Путь назад
      125. Последние приготовления
      126. Отчаянное путешествие
      127. Качество жизни
      128. Телепорт оплота Оскверненной Души
      129. Утоление жажды Вальтруа 
      130. Утоление жажды Талисры 
      131. Утоление жажды Окулета 
      132. Нарастающий кризис
      133. Фрагменты катастрофы
      134. Кристаллические девы
      135. Еще один аркан'дор гибнет...
      136. Ветвь аркан'дора
      137. Изумрудный Кошмар: сущность Сна
      138. Идеальная возможность
      139. ... либо против нас
      140. Смерть ему к лицу
      141. Ходят слухи
      142. Ты либо с нами...
      143. Прозрачные угрозы
      144. Знак доверия
      145. Дело в шляпе
      146. Защитник Ли'лет
      147. Очень близкие друзья
      148. Катакомбы Сурамара: открывая катакомбы
      149. Катакомбы Сурамара: давно утраченное знание
      150. Смена времен года
      151. Все, что можем
      152. Эфемерный проектор манашторма
      153. Управление потоком
      154. Охота за координатами
      155. Ставки сделаны
      156. Аркан'дор, дар древних магов
      157. Просьба Арлуина





    This guide is dedicated to all newcomers, or simply for people who like to ask a lot of questions, the chain is prepared on our server is checked against the off.

    Optional Quests
    There are several short chains of quests related to the history of Suramar, but independent of the main and secondary storylines. Most of them open when you finish the stage of "Twilight". In total, these quests give:
    400 ancient mana;
    6900 force of the artifact (multiplied by your knowledge of the artifact), which is quite useful for a fresh character.
    Optional task chains begin with the following quests:



    You can get a reputation with
    http://ru.wowhead.com/faction=1859 mostly in Suramar.




    In what achievements is the faction Fooled:

    Первопроходец Расколотых островов, часть 1

    Дипломат Расколотых островов

    Хранитель мудрости Legion

    Добрый сурамаритянин


    Друзья на Расколотых островах

    Классная экипировка

    You start with the reputation of Dislike. How to earn a reputation:
    Ordinary quests - the passage of the plot lines of Suramar will give you most of the desired reputation.
    Repeated quests - three NPCs in Shal'Aran can be fed with ancient mana each day for 50 reputation.
    Local tasks - give from 50 to 250 reputation.
    The quest of the messenger in Dalaran - http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=43179 in Dalaran gives you 750 reputation (http://ru.wowhead.com/item=141992).
    Unblocking power channels - gives 750 reputation in total (75 per quest).
    Drilling for the desiccated - up to 425 reputation every 3 days (http://ru.wowhead.com/item=141870 and http://ru.wowhead.com/item=140260).
    Missions of the class stronghold - http://ru.wowhead.com/item=141343 for 250 reputation, can be passed on to other characters on the account.




    Ancient Mana and with what it is eaten?
    Arcane wine, the liquid form of ancient mana, permeated with the essence of the Nightwell, has become the most important source of nutrition for the Nightborne during their long isolation. Without mana, they could not satiate their passion for arcane magic and eventually degenerated into insane monsters, known as the Withered.



    How to collect the ancient mana?
    You can find an ancient mana throughout Suramar, but in its urban part you will find the greatest concentration of containers with magical wine. In this you will be helped by a tool called the http://ru.wowhead.com/item=141652, which allows you to see containers with mana on a minimap. It is given out to you after the completion of the stage "Twilight" in the main storyline.

    Collection Methods http://ru.wowhead.com/currency=1155:
    Extraction from killed mobs.
    Extraction by the activation of power channels.
    Extraction from various containers within the location.
    Use http://ru.wowhead.com/spell=224189 of force and finding near the faults to collect more mana (this buff gives you the http://ru.wowhead.com/npc=102600 after completing her quest http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=41138 and to collect mana you need to stand beside him when the effect is in effect - mana will accumulate up to 20 units) .
    The use of http://ru.wowhead.com/item=140218 - enchantment on the shoulder pads, giving from time to time a http://ru.wowhead.com/item=140226 when killing mobs (by the way, you can find Legion's enchanting materials, Legion's potions and ancient mana).
    Many quests in the Suramar story, which give items like http://ru.wowhead.com/item=140235.
    Collective professions - give from time to time the ancient mana when collecting materials in Suramar.
    Purchase http://ru.wowhead.com/item=139786 and http://ru.wowhead.com/item=139890 at an auction.

    Containers with ancient mana and sorcery wine:
    Shard of Ancient Mana (10), Piece of Ancient Mana (20), Crystal of Ancient Mana (50-100), Accumulation of Shimmering Crystals of Ancient Mana (150).


    Silkflower flower (40), Siloflower pollen (70), Glowing folio (70), Mana saturated with mana (70), Twice fortified sorcery wine (110).


    In addition, all types of treasure chests in Suramar can contain ancient mana. Among them:
    A small chest of treasures, a treasure chest, a sparkling treasure chest (typical chests of Legion trunks).
    http://ru.wowhead.com/object=257291, http://ru.wowhead.com/object=246254, http://ru.wowhead.com/object=245941 (Suramura-specific chests).
    Rise of an Ancient Mana Bug
    Fresh character initially has an initial mana pool of 300 units. This value can be increased to 2000 by using special items. It is important to do this as early as possible - for example, to speed up the reputation enhancement with the training of the withered. In addition, many quests in the story give a large amount of ancient mana.

    Items with which you can increase the cap of ancient mana (visible after the completion of the stage "Twilight" in the storyline):
    Each of them increases the cap by 100 mana. Map for easy searching.
    Quests that increase the cap, in total, by 1200 units:
    How to spend an ancient mana
    The main meaning of Ancient Mana is the rendering of assistance to the Talisra and the Perversed in the return of the city of Suramar. Players can spend the ancient mana on different things, but there are 3 basic and repeatable goals:
    Feeding the plot NPCs to restore their sanity.
    Exchange for useful buffs.
    Drilling for the withered.
    Most quest areas in the location offer additional buffs to facilitate your life in Suramar. Sometimes these buffs give interactive objects, sometimes NPCs in exchange for mana. Some buffs are weak, some are stronger.

    A list of reusable buffs for an ancient mana:
    http://ru.wowhead.com/spell=224772 - 50 mana - http://ru.wowhead.com/npc=97140 - in Shal'Aran.
    http://ru.wowhead.com/spell=224189 - 10 mana - http://ru.wowhead.com/npc=103155 - in Shal'Aran.
    http://ru.wowhead.com/spell=224186?buff - 10 mana - http://ru.wowhead.com/npc=98548 - in Shal'Aran.
    http://ru.wowhead.com/spell=222174?buff - 25 mana - http://ru.wowhead.com/npc=111513 - along the main roads in the western part of the location.
    http://ru.wowhead.com/spell=225401?buff - 25 mana - http://ru.wowhead.com/npc=112627 - in the western part of the location.
    http://ru.wowhead.com/spell=225678?buff - 5 mana - http://ru.wowhead.com/npc=109409 - in the area of the Growing Crescent in the city.
    http://ru.wowhead.com/spell=224047?buff - 25 mana - http://ru.wowhead.com/npc=112555 - in various places in the Growing Crescent.
    http://ru.wowhead.com/spell=225934?buff - 20 mana - http://ru.wowhead.com/npc=113577  - in Tel'anor.
    http://ru.wowhead.com/item=141531 - 25 mana - http://ru.wowhead.com/npc=113778 - in the city of Suramar.
    http://ru.wowhead.com/spell=225976 - 25 mana - http://ru.wowhead.com/npc=113606 - in tunnels near power channels, except Falanaar.
    http://ru.wowhead.com/npc=113741 - 50 mana - http://ru.wowhead.com/npc=113682 - in the Keep of the Corrupted Soul.
    http://ru.wowhead.com/spell=225781 - 20 mana - http://ru.wowhead.com/npc=113532 - in the tunnels of Falaanaar.
    The newborns sell several useful and amusing items in the city of Suramar. To interact with them, you will need to be under Masquerade.
    http://ru.wowhead.com/npc=107467: [http://ru.wowhead.com/item=137467/shimmerfield-crystal] (50 mana), [http://ru.wowhead.com/item=137401/illusion-bomb] (25 mana), [http://ru.wowhead.com/item=137178/enchanted-firecrackers] (25 mana).
    http://ru.wowhead.com/npc=112064: http://ru.wowhead.com/item=130151" (1000 mana), http://ru.wowhead.com/item=140670(100 mana), http://ru.wowhead.com/item=140671(100 mana), http://ru.wowhead.com/item=141205 (100 mana).



    Power channels
    The first sorceress of Talisra, the leader of the Pampered, found a way to restore abandoned pylons in the ancient system of tunnels. With your help, she can redirect the streams of magic to Shal'Aran. In order to unlock the quests for power channels, you need to complete the quest. After that, you will begin to see the quests on the power channels on the minimap, in the form of an exclamation mark. You will need to look for the entrance to the ancient tunnels to complete these tasks. Activation of power channels costs 200-250 of ancient mana per pylon.



    Successful passage, with respect the administration of the forum Blackmanos 
      This guide was compiled with the help of Developer Sheamus and also with the support of the forum en.wowhead.com

  2. The Rules is for uwow.biz.


    Price list of mutes:



    1. It is forbidden to use obscene language in general chat rooms.
    A veiled, Russian or foreign filthy language.
    Punishment: mut from 1 hour (for a single word-mat), up to a month (43200 min.) In case of multiple relapses, as well as combining with other disorders. In some cases, an account bank can be presented for a period of 1 day to a month.

    2. Any threats, any insults to whomever in the chat room are prohibited.
    For the violation are considered threats related to malicious acts against the person or group of persons (threatening to send viruses, hacking, dsos), as well as IRL disassembles, such as "Yes, I'll calculate you by IP, I'll arrive on a cherry low 9 and shoot Valera" etc.
    Threats are not considered phrases like "yes, I'll kick you out of a gee", "yes I'll advertise you like a rifle!", Etc.
    For example, for insults like "fool, loh, noob" no one will be muddied, if they are not directed towards the administration, the server or somebody's relatives. Swearing in society has always been and will not be running after you with a bib and no one is going, on the box with WoW is pegi, which warns customers that the game is obscene lexicon, as well as pegi assigned a limit in the age allowed for the game: 12+. Forbidden insults based on obscene statements, reading paragraph 2 you will understand what I mean. Bans of threats and other penalties are forbidden, for example "you will be given a bath for it," "I'll give you ban", etc., phrases like "screen, forum, ban" And "screen, ban" are not considered for violation. Threats are allegedly prohibited by an alleged acquaintance with the administration, the administration has friends on the project, but no one will ban on the handouts of those or their friends. Scripted emotions (ie / spit / lol, etc.) offensive in the direction of players and even the game charms of moderators, and especially donators are not considered offensive. Exception: insults through the command / me, / e.
    You are on the Internet, young people, be kind, fight with your peers in the yard.
    2.1 It is prohibited to insult anyone's race / ethnicity / nationality
    Under this item are the words: churka, hach, khokhol, katsap, nigga, liqd, etc., etc.. It is not necessary to confuse this point with ignition of ethnic hatred, ignition presupposes a clearly expressed call for hatred / violence / aggression towards any nation / race / ethnos.
    Punishment: mutation from 12 hours (720 minutes) to permanent in case of relapse and taking into account the severity of the disorder. In some cases, a bank account may be presented for a period of 1 day to a permanent. In the case of § 2.1, the punishment is from 10,000 minutes to 20,000 minutes of mutation.
    3. It is forbidden to flood in the chat.
    Flooding is: posting messages that are useless for the chat channel. These can be very short messages, clogging chat or very long messages that make it difficult to read the chat, as well as messages containing a verbal "water", not bearing the proper semantic load.
    Flood also considers placing identical messages in several channels, placing several identical messages in a row, or simply placing several messages in a row, if at least one of them can be classified as a flood.
    Do not invent frames "more often than once in 10 seconds", etc., flooding is determined visually, if you are "too much and often" in the chat, you will be judged as a flooder.
    3.1. Forcing spells with prefixes such as "[% spell%] anus", "[% spell%] mother-in-law" are forbidden.
    Do not tell me that you really were wondering whether [Dark Sorrow] is working, or "and everyone was flooding, it seemed funny to me, once, and Fedya 10, and why are they all the same to me?" No guys, any fact of such a forcing is already fed up with, that we will be merciless to fight against this. Fortify can not only mother-in-law and anus and all sorts of derivatives from this shit.
    Punishment: muteness from half an hour (30 minutes) to an hour, with a relapse - doubles. Combining this violation with another will have the character of summation, let's say the flood with a mat will be punished for 120 minutes at a time, 240 for a relapse, add insults - from the day on and on.
    4. Prohibitions to the Administration such as "Give Golds \ Honor \ Clothing \ Mount \ mp, Convert to the Instruction on the Arena", etc. are prohibited. even as a joke.
    This violation is regarded immediately for both - the begging of the letters from the Administration, interference in the work of the Administration.
    Whether you are joking or not, whether you have a birthday or a younger daughter's wedding, the anniversary of the dog's death, the new year, the end of the world, all over the drum.
    4.1. It is forbidden to distract the Administration with meaningless messages ("ku", "hello, are you here?", "Can I have a question?", "Are you an admin?", "Do you haneasya \ skype, admin?", Etc.) in the chat.
    Suppressed as attempts to use mods / GMs for Google, vovhed, psychologist, rendezvous. Tickets you are not a matchmaker, like LFG and pm. It is not necessary to get acquainted with anyone, no one is interested in that you do not have a female / male, we have no idea how long to stop (because we multiply by budding, og), etc. Distract the Administration can also be an invitation to the party, overlapping the character of the administration character, his thick-mouthed mammoths, etc., as well as mockery of the charm, flood emotions.
    Punishment: mutates from 60 minutes to 5000 minutes. In some situations, a kick is possible (disconnecting from the server without restricting access to it), if you interfere with the GM physically, then you can get a frieze and TP on the hm island, followed by mutes, kick from the server for warning, as well as ban accounts from 12 hours to a day.
    5. Any attempts to "joke", provocations, trolling, etc. are forbidden. heresy to the representatives of the Administration.
    Imagine, for a second, that the server is a large such house. No matter what and where. It is important that the house has staff and owners, they are the Administration. Also, there are a lot of guests in the house, they are also players. Now imagine that the guest is drunk, or just a moron, begins to dig up to the staff, or else to solicit a mistress at her husband, or forgive, fart and yelp, sitting at a table at a party and neighing over it. You understand, where they throw such, and here, ungrateful pigs and honor know, with a heel in the ass. Emotion of an offensive character to the representative of the administration will be calculated as a real insult and undermining authority.
    Punishment: if violation of the address to the representative of the administration: a mutation from 1000 minutes to a permanent, depending on the severity of the violation. If to the address of the administration game arc, then to regard the curator, for the subject of the conversation - humiliation as moderator / GMa - to punish from 1000 minutes to 10k minutes, as a person - to punish in accordance with paragraph 2 if there was a violation in such a dialogue, .
    6. It is forbidden to use scripts / add-ons, etc. to change the color of the text in the chat.
    Color text makes each chat channel uncomfortable to read. Excessive presence of colors creates an additional burden for vision and at peak hours, reading such a chat is a challenge.
    Punishment: a mut of 60 minutes, with a relapse doubles to 120 minutes. The combination of this violation with another will have the summation effect.


    Attention! Raid, guild, group chat are not considered for obscene language and insults, but are also dealt with in case of violations: Insulting the Administration (OA), Insulting the server (OS), Insulting relatives (ER), Insulting Donators (OA), Advertising, Exchange sale of characters, etc.), ignition and insults of interethnic / intercultural, etc.discord.


    Pricelist of Bans.



    1. Any advertising in the gaming chat room is prohibited.
    Any links to commercial projects, as well as any information (including links) about service providers similar to ours (WoW servers) placed to entice players to a third-party project / to expose our project in a disadvantageous light / to exhibit a third-party project in a positive light . We also realize that players have characters on different servers, so simply mentioning third-parties, without the goals described above, is not punishable. Phrases such as "go to the circus, podeelimsya" are not a mention of another project, these phrases also fall under this rule.
    Punishment: from 10,000 minutes of mut (chat blocking) to 30 days ban at the discretion of the curator. When relapse, the curator has the right to expose a permanent ban on the account, and upon request to the administrator for all accounts on the IP of the intruder.

    2. Any offers of services for real money are forbidden.
    Any services for real money, even not related to WoW (trading in chat rooms, car, apartment in Moscow, cute puppies and other heresy) will be regarded as commercial services for real money. Violation equates to spam and attempt to attach to the project as a provider of customers. Our users were not warned about this at registration, so such situations will be stopped by maximum penalties. I should note that if a player does go to these services, he is considered to be supporting spam, i.e. causing a harmful effect on the project, which punishes Permban all acces and IP. Administration is not responsible for the honesty of the services offered by these persons. The begging of real money is also an attempt to benefit from the project.
    Punishment: 20,000 minutes mutation in the case of the sale of a non-WoW world, permanent ban of all accounts on the ip, if sold relates to WoW.

    3. It is forbidden to offer an exchange of accounts / sell access to the account for any values / offer transfer of control over the ACK / transfer access from an account to any third parties, etc.
    3.1. It is forbidden for anyone to gain access to another player's account.
    Otmazy type "I decided to check how many suckers will buy akk pirates", "I wanted to catch those who will change and float on the forum," "I clicked on the macro check that a friend played after my Persian," "I did not say that I really will change, I'm just kidding "do not roll. Please note, the violation applies to any social network, any community. Do not roar and whine, do not break it. Any transfer of details and, accordingly, control over the account, is punished, and this applies to both parties, both the one who gave and the one who accepted it.
    Punishment: permanent account ban, and in some cases all accounts on the IP. Offers exchange or gratuitous transfer of control over the account are punishable by ban for 30 days.

    4. Insults of relatives are forbidden.
    Insult, like veiled or indirect, such as "Say hi to my mom!", "Your wife / husband chmo" and any mention of relatives (people, if you are a zoophile, do not speak for the whole Internet), which can be interpreted as an insult (relative) or carrying a double meaning (towards the relative), is punishable by castrating the access of the client to the server, and it would be necessary also with a sour cloth on the lips. This item also includes all the wishes of injuries, death, etc. and so on.
    4.1 It is forbidden to ignite ethnic hatred.
    In accordance with the laws of any democratic country, the ignition of all this heresy is punishable by a term. The administration does not assume the responsibility to continue to supply access to such end people, so any Ukraine-Russia-Africa-USA-Caucasus, and other sick topics from these spheres are punished mercilessly.
    4.2 Insults are forbidden, which due to their duality can be both insults of the player and his relatives
    Many players come and say that their brother / sister was insulted with phrases like "Your father's son is fucked", "your mother's daughter is a prostitute" and so on. An insult can really relate to relatives and prove something is useless, but also may not apply. That is why this type of insults is introduced by a separate article and is punished differently.
    The same point includes the use of all sorts of fictitious words like "emka", "imka", "mumuka" and other delirium, through which the players long enough to escape responsibility for the PR, arguing. that they meant a completely different word, and we are sitting here for them and guessing. Well, if you mean another word, write this other word, it's good to tell you that you were co-operating someone's cow, car, marukha, etc., on the server is not prohibited, and if you invent words that can be interpreted ambiguous, then you will be responsible for this ambiguity.
    Punishment: paragraph 4 for veiled insult 25k minutes of mut (when relapsed, at the discretion of the curator - 15 days ban). With direct insult, the punishment of 30 days of ban (with relapse, at the discretion of the curator - 60 days of ban). In the case of § 4.1. punishment: 30 days of ban. In the case of § 4.2, the penalty: 10 days of ban

    5. It is forbidden to insult the Donat system, donators about the fact that they are donators, as well as to humiliate, shackle, and generally unhealthily speak out about it.
    Donat is a voluntary business, someone else's wallet should not bother you.
    If the donor himself starts provoking srach from the donat or somehow planted for insults - Donater will also be punished with a ban.
    Note: Due to the extreme intricacies of insults based on the word "bottom" (not always enough context), we refuse to view them as an insult to donators unless there is sufficient context when it is clear that the word "donaty" was meant. Question, scribble all correspondence, but the context should be, otherwise we can not ban the offender.
    Punishment: if jokes, trolling: from 10 days of mut to a month, depending on the severity. If a direct insult - from 15 to 30 days of ban.

    6. It is forbidden to use any programs / add-ons giving you any advantage over other players, including multi-boxing, etc.
    (Exceptions: Addons that increase the player's knowledge of the world: (health of mobs, dungeon maps, etc.)
    Most popular hackprograms: WEH, WPE PRO, Cheat Engine, etc. have long been dismantled for spare parts by scripts, created anti-cheats, a system that calculates the substitution of packages with these programs, for example, the replacement of the speed of the character from 1 to 50, or complex filters for dyupa anything.
    My dear, old fairy tales, about the fact that you were banged, kicked [censored] force, then banned for nothing, or you got stuck in the texts, and, with the help of teleport decided to get out, without harm to the server, or just decided to check "whether it works ? ", The Administration does not believe and will not believe, so if you put a hack, decided to look for adventure on your ... iron armor, you do not even have to use prog, anti-cheat will work like an antivirus, and anti-cheat - a stupid machine, knows only one digit: "-1", which means permanent. Antichit is tested and continues to be constantly tested by many testers, so that interference if there are in it - fixed on test 2. Therefore, revisions of antichity bans are not considered.
    If on the offense you will be caught in the raid / bg / arena - the accomplices are banned at GM's discretion.
    But, if you did find hacks for WoW that do not burn with anti-cheat, and you will be caught by GM instead of anti-cheat, the conversation will not be longer than with anti-cheat.
    By the way, if you agree to cooperation and diligently hand over cheats - there is a chance that you will be forgiven.
    Punishment: WEH, multi-box, etc. - 30 days, everything else is punishable by a permanent account ban (sometimes all accounts on the ip), in some cases a permanent ban can be replaced with a smaller one, at the discretion of the administrators, if the damage done is small. In some cases, a ban can be placed on other accounts on the ip's of the intruder.

    7. It is forbidden to use any game bugs giving you any advantage over other players, as well as hiding them from the Administration.
    Similarly, cheat-programs are anti-cheat filters for monitoring popular boots, as well, if you are bullied with a barge in a raid / bg / arena - accomplices are banned at GM's discretion.
    Similarly to the cheats, there is a system of leniency for cooperation with the Administration.
    Penalty: Ban-permanent account, in some cases, the ban is permanent for all accounts on the ip. There are situations when the bad guy is caused by the server and unintentionally. And as a small bugojuz. Ban for such antics is less permanent (from 3 days), but it remains at the discretion of GM, who caught you.

    8. It is forbidden to with hold violations from the Administration.
    If, later it turns out that you did not do this intentionally, you will be punished.
    Therefore, the phrases like: "I have a screenshot of how you are furious, so if you are not <...>>, then I will send it to the administration", will be punished more severely than the violation itself.
    Among other things, there is an antonym of this rule - the voluntary surrender of bugs / cheats, which is encouraged by the Administration by agreement.
    Dissemination in secret from the Administration of the same will be punished in full force.
    Punishment: from 30 days to a permanent account ban (with the consent of the administrator), in some cases, a permanent ban of all accounts on IP can be set.

    9. It is forbidden to sell any game values or services for real money.
    9.1 It is forbidden to buy any items for real money in any way, except through donations and for e-coins through the official server cashier.
    One of the oldest rules of the server, the eternal problem of freeards players - scammers, scammers and once again scammers. We are forced to block access to such players, because The vast majority of these situations are material and moral harm to you, dear player, as well as technical harm to the server and undermining its credibility as honest. In this regard, the Administration refuses to provide further access to the server to individuals convicted of these frauds. The begging of real money is also an attempt to capitalize on the project.
    Possession of a nickname for a violation as such does not count. You did not fix the copyrights to the nickname in the official certification sources.
    Punishment: Ban-permanent for account, and in some cases all accounts on IP. In the case of clause 9.1 the penalty: 30 days of ban and removal of the purchase.

    10. It is forbidden to use obscene and offensive words in the names of players and the names of guilds.
    Prohibited nicknames that contain insults to the server, administration, as well as titles or advertisements of third-party projects.
    10.1. It is forbidden to create characters with names similar to the names of members of the administration.
    It is forbidden to use the names of characters consisting of third-party characters. Nick can only be created using the alphabet (A-z) and English. alphabet (A-z) (exception of the country: China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan). It is forbidden to combine symbols from several alphabets in one nickname.
    For insults are considered phrases that can really be regarded as degrading, or offending the person's moral / racial / personal standards.
    Suppose, for insults such as "fool, loh, noob" to muddle even funny, well, the kindergarten is the same. Swearing in society has always been and will not be, you are not going to run after you with a bib, there's a pegi on the box with WoW, which warns customers that there is obscene language in the game, and pegi has set a limit in the age allowed for the game: 12+. Forbidden are the same insults on the basis of obscene statements, after reading paragraph 2, the price list of violations in the chat - you will understand what I mean.
    Mat, both foreign and Russian, as well as veiled, a transliteration, and the like, is forbidden to use. Comrades, do not be sober that using the word "bitch", not as a definition of the sex of the dog, you mean a literary word.
    The administrator has the right to deem your nickname insulting in his own discretion, similarly, the Administrator has the right to find your nickname as a fake nickname of a member of the Administration at his own discretion, but if only the charm of a potential faker is created after any of the spells of this representative of the Admin-composition, otherwise, the administration reserves the right to forcefully change the nickname to this player, so that he does not cause among the players the location of him as a representative of the Administration.
    Punishment: Ban for 3 days of the violator's account + forced rename of the char. When the recurring is permanent, the account bank. In some cases, a bank can be presented for a period of 1 day to a permanent).

    11. It is forbidden to merge "Honor Points" and "Honorable wins" on players of opposing factions, (unimportantly, by prior agreement or in two windows by a multigram), it is forbidden to merge the "Arena Points" and the rating of the arena teams in team battles in the rating arena.
     I hasten to note that playing out 10 fights on a drip is not considered a drain, and is allowed. The administration reserves the right to check the arenas of the server, and, if found to infringe, apply penalties to them, without reporting to the player the evidence, because Arena-logs of the server contain a lot of confidential information. If the player wants to review his ban, the reason of which is draining in the arena-logs of the server, he has the right to write a complaint to the GM that applied to him the penalty, after which the verification of the genuineness of GM motives and his impartiality towards this player will be initiated. Verification will be conducted only if there is a well-formed complaint in a particular section. If, during the audit, it is determined that the player has deceived the administration, he and his teammates will be subjected to a ban of all accounts and IP, and the complaint to GM will be paid off, and vice versa, if the situation turns out to be not GM's right, he will incur a punishment, the form and severity of which the administrator will determine, and the players will be immediately banned.
    For insults are considered phrases that can really be regarded as degrading, or offending the person's moral / racial / personal standards.
    Punishment: Ban for 2 weeks of all accounts-members of the teams-slivers, even "accidentally-entering" in the time of the charm, besides, after the ban, all the actual equipment will be deleted (For the fan there is an exception, what happens and the removal of PvE things that are bought with the help of reaching any ranking in the arena) + disband of the team. At the first relapse, hm has the right to double the term of punishment, each subsequent relapse gives the right to increase the punishment each time even 2 times up to six months of the ban.
    When the "Honor Points" and "Honored Wins" are drained after a ban for 2 weeks (with a relapse of the ban from the month to the permanent, the removal of ALL achievements related to the violation (without proceedings on the topic of what you honestly stuffed there and what was poured) , removal of ranks (Son / daughter of the Horde / Alliance) and dumping of stuffed kills.

    12. It is prohibited to distribute malicious programs (trojans) with the aim of stealing game values.
    12.1. Any actions that entail a harmful effect on the server are prohibited.
    These can be hacker attacks, hacking attempts, spam mailing, dsos attacks, bugs that the server is crashing (ie, leading to a critical server error, forcing it to shut down), etc.
    Punishment: Ban-permanent of all accounts and IP. Deleting accounts / pests. Ban is a permanent subnet in the case of the powerless IP ban.

    13. The following actions with regard to administration are prohibited:
    13.1. It is forbidden to discuss / criticize the actions of the administration.
    For these purposes, there are topics on the forum "complaints about the administration" / "appeal of penalties" / section of proposals, rather than gaming chats and unintentional branches of the forum.
    13.2. It is prohibited to deceive members of the Administration in any form and for any purpose.
    13.3. It is strictly forbidden deliberately to slander the administration.
    13.4. It is forbidden to insult the Administration in direct and indirect form.
    13.5. It is forbidden to take any things from the administration. Any causeless sketches should be screened and sent to the forum.
    13.6. Any attempt to impersonate a representative of the Administration is forbidden.
    13.7. It is forbidden to insult the server in direct or indirect form.
    Punishment: Ban-permanent account, in some cases, can be exposed to a permanent ban of all accounts on IP.
    In the case of clause 13.1 punishment: the account bank from 10 to 30 days. In the case of § 13.4. punishment of 90 days of ban (with relapse, at the discretion of the curator -180 days of ban). In the case of § 13.7. punishment of 30 days of ban (with relapse, at the discretion of the curator -60 days of ban).




    The administration does not consider user channels (created by players) for minor violations: flood, insults, mate and others, but reserves the right to consider these channels for more severe violations: OR, OA, OS, advertising, trade for real, exchange of accounts and similar according to the price list and the rules of the project.
    Supplement for fake screenshots:
    If a person is caught in a fake screenshots, then all the players who were banned earlier on the screenshots from this convicted have the right to file a review of their punishment and if there are no circumstances that can interfere with the anban, then the banned can rely on anban.

    Important! In the case of violations, where the penalty is only permanent bank account or all accounts on the ip, the curator has the right to issue a permanent ban on the violator's ip.

  3. http://forum.uwow.biz/topic/164513-obschie-pravila-polzovatelej-i-administratcii-p/

    Chapter 1: General Provisions.

    The uwow.biz project was created primarily for free play on the home server of World of Warcraft. The project uwow.biz doesn`t contact with Blizzard Int., and doesn`t violate copyright law, because the project isn`t commercial. That is, the use of the project is completely free of charge, and all donations to the server are voluntary.

    The administration, operating under the guidance of the boss (blackmanos), represents the governing authority on this project, having its own hierarchy and code of rules and acting in the interests of the users of the project.

    By registering on this project and taking part in it, you automatically agree with the set of these rules, undertaking to carry them out, aware that if you violate these rules, you may be restricted in access to the project either partially or completely, and permanently (perpetually).

    Remember, ignorance of these rules, like disagreement with them, doesn`t absolve from responsibility for their violation. If you don`t know the rules and violate them, you will be punished in accordance with the rules of the project, the penalties for which are specified in the topic "Complete price list of mutes and bans for all kinds of violations."

    The Administration reserves the right to revise these rules by adding, correcting or deleting certain items without notifying the users thereof. Users are required to track changes in the rules themselves.

    Responsibility for any actions or violations is solely the responsibility of the account holder. Trusting access to an account to third parties, or creating elementary passwords such as "123456", you violate the rules of the project, as well as compromise the safety of your account. The administration refuses to help restore access / review penalties for user accounts affected by the actions of third parties who have access to their account. The administration undertakes to take all measures of protection from hacking accounts by selecting passwords. Administration isn`t responsible for receiving users of malicious code or viruses from other users.

    Game characters of users who haven`t logged into the game for a long time can be removed from the server database, to clean up the space and to work comfortably.


    Chapter 2: Powers and Responsibilities of the Administration.

    The administration doesn`t owe to anyone personally, and mustn`t obey the instructions of the players.

    Administration doesn`t bear responsibility for the cases of damage caused by the visit of this project (moral damage, material damage, physical damage (all types of physical damage) and other types of damage).

    Administration isn`t responsible for the temporary or permanent inability to use the server by a specific person or group of persons.

    Administration in the right at any time with a direct or indirect threat of the server to stop providing services to a specific user or subnet as a whole.

    The administration has the right to monitor and intervene in the game process when it considers it necessary.

    Administration does not return the return of characters, things, money and any materials used in the game, lost as a result of ignorance of the rules of the game or unforeseen disruptions in the operation of the server. Restoration of characters is possible only through the use of appropriate donat-vendors.

    The administration undertakes to establish the time and degree of punishment in accordance with the data from the topic "Complete price list of mutes and bans for all kinds of violations", except in cases where the violation isn`t described in the topic with the price list or punishment according to the price list can not be set.

    The administration doesn`t report to the players, and isn`t obligated to prove to the player its rightness regarding the penalties, except for those on the appeal of punishments, where the administration undertakes to show the player proof of his guilt. The administration reserves the right not to prove the correctness of its actions to the user if the ban was installed by the server security system (anti-cheat, anti-brute system, filters from DDoS attacks), or data from logs of game actions of players. In this case, the player can contact Sylvanas, who will conduct an independent investigation into these penalties. The administration does not review the penalties that were applied to the user more than 3 months ago, and reserves the right to refuse to provide evidence of the user's guilt, to which the security measures were applied more than 3 months ago.

    The composition of the administration has its own hierarchy and ramification into groups working in certain areas. The administration is allowed to work strictly in the areas entrusted to them, and the administration must obey only its immediate supervisors, as well as the senior administration (Sr. Game Master, Administrator). Administration officials, for example, the realm curator, bear full responsibility for their charges and are obliged to monitor their work by periodically checking the logs of the administration's actions, and by direct presence on the realm. Senior administration officials are also required to help in some cases their wards with work, but do not do it for them. In the same way as curators, administrators and senior GMs are required to supervise the work of curators.

    Administrations are allowed to use advantageous teams only with respect to working accounts (non-players). It is strictly forbidden to use teams for mercenary purposes and to obtain unfair advantage over other players. Administration is prohibited to change the parameters of the world (respawn time, health of mobs, etc.) for personal gain in the game or outside it, or to provide advantages to one or another player. Administration is prohibited from using in-game announcements for personal and commercial purposes.

    Administrations are allowed to enter edits on the game realm in real time, if circumstances so require, or as directed by senior administration officials. The administration has the right to prohibit the player (s) from using a particular game object, npc, game location, etc. for the time spent by her work on the elimination of problems and / or bugs of the game. The Administration reserves the right at any time without warning to interrupt the operation of the game server to improve its performance or if circumstances so require (lag in the gaming world) or as directed by senior administration officials. Daily in the period from 3 to 7 am on Moscow time there may be problems with access and recall of the server. At this time, the server retains its archive copy of the data for recovery from the control point under unforeseen circumstances. As for planned technical work, the administration undertakes to announce them through the news feeds of the site, forum, social networks.

    The administration is obliged to maintain confidentiality, namely: not to disseminate confidential information about the personal data of users and administration representatives without their consent, not to distribute the requisites from accounts on the site, forum and in the game, not to transfer parts of the code or all server code to others. Do not inform about the plans of the administration without the consent of the administration.

    Any representative of the administration has the right to rest and privacy, therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant situations about his holidays, sick leave, etc. they are obliged to warn the senior representatives of the administration. Inactive without good reason, the administration will be removed from office without the possibility of further reinstatement. The administration has the right to respect for its personality as a person and citizen of the N-th country, therefore insulting the representatives of the administration are prohibited in any direct or indirect form and in some cases can be punished by banning all accounts on IP. The administration has the right to establish accounts to participate in the project at the user level, subject to these rules. The representative of the administration reserves the right to disseminate information about the position held by him or to keep this information confidential.

    The administration is obliged to actively and adequately communicate with users, advising them, as well as providing its assistance to the user within the framework of the project and the rules. Administration does not undertake to answer all and always, and reserves the right to ignore a particular message of the user, if it does not comply with the rules of communication with the administration. The administration reserves the right to work, advise and help users via personal communication outside the project (skype, ICQ, etc.), however, since this is a personal environment, the administration has every right to ignore any users at will. Note: the administration is not liable for any damage (material, moral, etc.) resulting from communication with persons outside the project. The project completely refuses to accept complaints about the administration based on facts taken outside the project (logs, conversation records, Skype screenshots, etc.), as these ways of communicating with users are not official.


    Chapter 3. Authorities of users in the game and on the forum.

    Users can create an unlimited number of accounts in the game and dispose of them within the rules of the project.

    Users can use any nicknames in the game and on the lurem that do not contradict the server rules. The administration does not consider complaints like "he uses my nickname, he uses the name of the guild that he stole from me / my friend, etc.", since the administration does not provide services for fixing copyrights to nicknames, names of guilds / arenas / channels communication.

    Users can thematic communication in the game and on the forum (in sections where it does not contradict the rules of the forum), create topics for advice, help, communication, search for companions for the game. Users have the right to complain about the actions of players who will outplay these rules in specially created sub-sections on their realm forums.

    Users can challenge the actions of administration and punishment in specially selected topics.

    Users can make complaints against representatives of the administration whose actions seemed to users to be contrary to the rules of the administration.

    Users can report any game bugs and server flaws in specially designated topics.

    Users can communicate with the administration and contact directly to one or another representative of the administration for advice and assistance.

    Users can use the commands available to them in the game. Users are fully responsible for entering their game commands, for example ".acc lock on".

    Users can make material donations to the project, receiving in exchange the items and services in the game, in the form of a unique currency, converting donated money into a so-called "Bonuses".


    Chapter 4. Duties of users in the game and on the forum

    It is forbidden to use any programs and add-ons that give unfair advantage over other players. Exceptions: Addons that increase the player's knowledge of the surrounding world (health of mobs, dungeon maps, etc.)

    It is forbidden to use any game bugs giving you any advantage over other players, as well as hiding them from the Administration. The use of bugs unintentionally (when a spell was fired so that without a bug it can not be used) falls under this rule, but the penalty is given or not given at the discretion of the administration, depending on the situation. It is forbidden to hide any game bugs from the Administration.
    It is forbidden to use any objects and spells that are not entered into the game by the developers or the administration of the server (for example, spells) that give you an unfair advantage over other players.

    It is forbidden to use any emulators of the player's presence in the game: multiboxes, etc.

    It is forbidden to withhold violations from the Administration. If, later it turns out that you did not do this intentionally, you will be punished. Therefore, phrases such as "I have a screenshot like you <...>, so if you do not <...>, then I will send it to the administration" will be punished according to the strictness of the price list.

    Prohibited attempts to trade information about violations and / or bugs.

    It is forbidden to exchange game accounts, try to exchange, sell accounts for any currency. It is forbidden to transfer control of the account to other people, transfer of password from the account, transfer of the account "as a gift", transfer of the account after "leaving the project" or "temporary absence during the session / retirement, etc.". It is forbidden to gain access to the account of other users, voluntary, or forced, or by a virus attack on users. Trade, exchange of accounts, game values with players or administration of other projects are prohibited, as well as receiving or rendering any paid services with respect to another server if our project is involved.

    It is forbidden to distribute malicious programs (trojans) with the aim of stealing game values. Any actions that entail a harmful effect on the server are prohibited.

    It is forbidden to steal game values, whether in raid / instance (Anrolls without warning, dishonest distribution of loot, loot loot), etc.
    RL has the right to refuse the character in the issue of the item of equipment (armor, weapons, etc.), if the character already has this item of equipment (with the same level)
    the rule does not apply to paired items, such as weapons in two hands, and so on, if the applicant for an item has only one available, the rule also applies to cases where the player had an item of equipment, but temporarily got rid of him for a while raid or roll, for example, by selling to a vendor.
    The RL reserves the right to take loot from the raid by anrolls, but only if it first informs the raid about it before the first boss's bullet, and also it is obliged to warn all those whom he has taken to the raid to replace the departed.
    This means that if the RL, before giving a cd to the entire raid, is obliged to advertise the raid "/ op" "Anrol of this and that," "Roll it on top 5 DMD," "roll this top 2 heal, tanko-shmot roll tanks and top3 DMD. "
    Before the Pulse of the first boss, you need to advertise and zaskrinit. Also, if you entered the condition "Top 2 dps / hpc" and the like, you need to make a screen dps / hps meter or at least the screen of his link in the chat room. this will be proof that you have given the gear according to your own raid conditions.
    All roll rules entered AFTER the receipt of a raid by the player can be ignored and if the RL gives out loot on them, and not according to the roll or according to the original rules, then RL gets the ban.
    The rule can be entered after receiving the cd ONLY provided that the entire raid agrees with its introduction and that there is a screen confirmation
    When determining the DPS framework, RL is obliged to indicate whether this item is subject to roll only for dd or can also cast heals and tanks without issuing the specified DPS. Those. if you write "Roll from 15k Dps" this will mean that this item
    You can transfer to the winning roll and gave out 15k DPS (not a heal, not a tank, which a similar DPS can not type). If you write "Roll from 15k dps + heals + tanks", then you have the right to transfer the item to the winner of the roll, or the tank, which naturally does not have 15k DPS.
    If the RL announces that an item is going on a roll with roll acceptance criteria (for example, "Roll of Will from 15k DPS", "Roll of Trinity top 3 DD", "Roll of staff - 3 leaders in hops"), or If the object has already been put on the roll, then this object can not be bombarded by the radar. he pointed out that the object will roll.
    RL is obliged to produce the destruction immediately after the boss's assassination, and also he must distribute loot (including distribution of anrolls) immediately after the development, not after 3 bosses, not at the end of the quarter, but immediately after the development.

    It is forbidden to use obscene and offensive words in the names of players, the arena of commands, channels of communication, pets. It is forbidden to use the names of characters consisting of third-party characters. Nicky can be created only using the Russian alphabet (AZ) and the English alphabet (A-z) (except for the country: China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan). It is forbidden to combine characters from several layouts in one nick. The exception to this rule are the names of guilds that have been changed for donat. It is forbidden to create characters with names similar to the names of any representative of the administration, except for the moments if your character was created earlier than the character of the representative of the administration. In the case when the player creates a character with the nickname of a representative of the administration of another realm, the curator of the realm where the violation is committed has the right to calculate this situation not contradicting the interests of the server and not to issue a penalty.
    It is forbidden to create guilds with names that contain insults to the server, administration, relatives, affecting the honor and dignity of other guilds or players, the name or advertising of third-party projects (WOW server). Attacks on honor and dignity are phrases that can be regarded as degrading or offending the person's moral / ethical / racial / personal standards. Any criticism or provocation of another guild. The decision that hurts honor and dignity is made by the administration.

    It is forbidden to transfer the currency "Points of Honor" on the players of opposing factions (it does not matter, by prior agreement or in two windows by a multigram), it is forbidden to overfill the arena, in several windows, with friends, all sorts of "guild tournaments on arenaiting". If the team is caught on the overflow through server arenas, absolutely all team members will be banned without trial, having any involvement in the team. If, on the outcome of the arena overflow, the players took seasonal things for the rating (a15), even with the donated anban, the items will be removed from the character with the anban, and the team is forcibly disbanded by the representative of the administration.

    It is forbidden to advertise in a gaming chat or forum. It is forbidden to leave references to such projects, no matter in what subtext, under the codes of the offtopic or spoiler, etc. in the game or on the forum. It is forbidden to mention other projects in the game and on the forum, posted with a view to entice players to a third-party project / to expose our project in a disadvantageous light / to exhibit a third-party project in a positive light. It is forbidden to speak out against the server and its components (DC, anti-cheat, hosting, etc.)
    It is forbidden to use scripts / addons, etc. to change the color of the text in the chat.

    It is forbidden to use obscene language in general chat rooms, either openly or veiled. Attempts to avoid punishment, for example, to prove that the word "bitch" in the chat is literary, will be ignored. Also in this category are words derived from the word "homosexual" and so on itself, the word" homosexual "in this category does not include t .k is censored.

    Threats related to malicious acts against a person or a group of persons (threatening to send out viruses, hacking, ddos), threats of violence in real life, in direct or indirect form, are prohibited. Do not threaten players familiarity with GM and so on. (The administration, as well as her friends on this project all have long grown and educated people, no one will break the rules because of a friend or neighbor, and if they will, then later regret it) . Banned threats ban and blocking certain aspects of the game, those things that can only be performed by representatives of the administration and certainly not by the players.

    It is forbidden to insult the players in the game and on the forum. Insults are phrases that can really be regarded as degrading, or offending the person's moral / racial / moral qualities, based on obscene language. On the box with the game WoW is pegi 12+, as well as a warning that the player can find obscene expressions in the game. Therefore, for insults such as "fool, idiot, Loch" no one will be punished if they are not directed towards the administration, the server or someone's relatives. It is forbidden to offend the Donat system, donators about the fact that they are spending money on the game, as well as in every way to humiliate, puncture and generally unhealthily speak out about their actions. Donat is a voluntary business, someone else's wallet should not bother you. If donater himself starts provoking a conflict because of donat or how to divorce insults - donater will be punished with a ban. Insults of relatives, indirect or direct, are forbidden.

    It is forbidden to systematically provoke other players for violations (determined at the discretion of the administrator, at least 3 + times). Such actions lead to an increase in the number of violations, which directly leads to a decrease in online, and also harm the server.

    It is forbidden to flood in the chat. Flooding is: posting messages that are useless for the chat channel. These can be very short messages, clogging chat or very long messages that make it difficult to read the chat, as well as messages containing a verbal "water", not bearing the proper semantic load. Flood also considers placing identical messages in several channels, placing several messages in a row, if at least one of them can be classified as a flood. Forcing spells with prefixes such as "[% spell%] anus", "[% spell%] mother-in-law" are forbidden. It is also forbidden to clog the chat with the same type of symbols or messages.

    Any offers of services for real money are forbidden. The rule equally affects both buyers and sellers, i. E. If the player still went to these same services, he is considered to be supporting spam, i.e. causing a harmful effect on the project.
    The services provided by other players for the donated currency, payment for which is made through the donate system, for example: the donation of the arena for donations, anrols for donates, are not prohibited, but the administration is not responsible for the honesty of the services offered by these individuals.

    It is forbidden to offer an exchange of accounts / sale of access to the account for any values / offer gift acca, etc. Attempts to appeal the punishment for this rule with phrases such as "I decided to check how many suckers buy an accc on pirates", "I wanted to catch those who would change and float on the forum," "I clicked on the macro to check that a friend did, playing for my Persian" , "I did not say that I really will change, I'm just kidding the same" will be ignored. We saw the fact of the exchange - goodbye. The rule lives exactly as long as the project lives, it's time to get used to it. Please note, the violation applies to any social network, any community. Any transfer of details (login, password, mail from the account) and, accordingly, control over the account, is punished, and this applies to both parties, both the one who gave and the one who accepted it. Complaints that you have been deceived, or requests for the return of the account that you exchanged, but you have been deceived will be ignored.

    It is forbidden to ignite interethnic ignition, etc. discord.

    Prohibitions to the Administration of the type "Give Golds \ Honor \ Clothing / Mount \ mp, Bring it to the Instruction on the Arena" are prohibited. even as a joke. Any attempts to "joke", provocations, trolling, etc. are forbidden. heresy to the representatives of the Administration. It is forbidden to distract the Administration with meaningless messages ("ku", "hello, are you here?", "Can I have a question?", "Are you an admin?", "Have you got asya \ skype, admin?", Etc.) in the chat. It is forbidden to speak out against the server and its components in any way (DC, anti-cheat, hosting, etc.). Emotion of an offensive character to the representative of the administration will be calculated as a real insult and undermining authority. It is forbidden to write to game characters a representative of the Administration on game issues. It is forbidden to offend the Administration. It is forbidden to discuss / criticize the actions of the administration. Complaints and so on, leave on the forums in the relevant topics. It is prohibited to deceive members of the Administration in any form and for any purpose. It is forbidden to take any things from the administration. Any causeless sketches should be screened and sent to the forum. It is strictly forbidden to slander the administration. Any deliberate or unintentional acts or omissions preventing the members of the administration from carrying out their functions are prohibited. Any attempt to impersonate a representative of the Administration is forbidden. It is forbidden to ask any questions to the Administration about confidential information (Who has access to the database, what kind of mail is it from such a GM, etc.)

    Chapter 5. Rules for communication with the Administration.

    If you need GM, you can see the list of GMs present in the game using the command ".gm ingame". Communication of players with GMs is made only through a ticketing system. In PM, GMs do not write, but respond to tickets. If you have any questions, you should first look for answers on the site and on the project forum. If the answer is not found, ask it in the appropriate forum. And only after that, if the answer has not been received in a long time (several days), contact the administration. If you find a bug, make sure that it is really a bug (for example, ask other players). If you find out that there is not enough of a mob or nps, first think how much you need it, and then make sure that it should be exactly where you are looking for it. (To do this, use search engines like http://wow.allakhazam.com, http://thottbot.com, http://wowhead.com). If you ignore all this, and it turns out that you have distracted the representative of the Administration inadvertently, this can be regarded as a deceit of the Administration, and as a consequence, punishment will follow.

    When contacting a representative of the Administration, please describe the entire problem in the minimum number of messages. Messages like "Hello, are you here?", "How are you, you're GM?", "Can a question?", "TP to me!" Will be punished. Do not distract GM `s on issues of non-working talents, quests and abilities - this is the prerogative of the forum. The absence of NPC is desirable to highlight on the forum and at the same time personally GM.

    If you tell any Petya that Vanya can be banned for "blah blah blah", and you run to complain about this to Vanya with the words "Peter said that for this banyat!" You will get the mut \ RO forum.
